International organisations and projects focus on various aspects of haematopoietic stem cell donation, including but not limited to donor suitability, registration of adverse occurrences, donor follow up, and education of professionals and public. Here are an overview of some projects and links to websites. If you would like to see your project added, please drop me a line.
The World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) was founded in 1994 and promotes global collaboration and the sharing of best practices between its members for the benefit of stem cell donors and patients. One of the four main aims of the WMDA is ‘Promoting donor care’, assuring that the rights and safety of stem cell donors, voluntary donating their haematopoietic stem cells to a patient in need, are promoted and protected.
In 2012, the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) installed the Donor Outcomes Committee. To monitor short- and long-term donor safety, the committee initiated the collection of donor outcome follow-up, and has published several papers (see also under publications). Unrelated donor registries are welcome to submit their data.
The NOTIFY project started in 2010 as a joint global initiative, and supports the sharing of published vigilance information for teaching purposes and for greater public transparency on the use of substances of human origin. Stem cell donation falls within the scope of the ‘Living Donor Group’. (toevoegen: nr of references en harm to donor/risk of harm)
TRANSfusion and transplantation: PrOtection and SElection of donors (TRANSPOSE) is a European co-funded project (2017-2020), with 24 associated partners. The aim is to add to harmonising European donor selection and protection policies, and serve as input in the process of revising European Union Directives. Publications on donor eligibility criteria and donor safety are submitted, and will be added as soon as they are accepted for publication.